Església de Sant Joan de Sanata

The small Sant Joan de Sanata Church dates to 1572. It is located four kilometres northeast of Llinars, atop a hill at 245 metres above sea level between the Montseny massif and El Corridor mountains. The parish district shares a border with Vilalba Sasserra, Santa Maria de Palautordera, Sant Antoni de Vilamajor and Sant Pere de Vilamajor.

The church was first mentioned in 1003, although the current building was not built until 1572. During that period, it passed into the hands of the Parish of Collsabadell, to which it belonged until the 19th century.

The church consists of one single nave, with two side chapels that lend it a Latin cross floor plan. The bell tower stands out thanks to its top level of granite ashlars crowned with merlons and a pyramidal roof. Inside, the church has four sections of rib vaulting. The polygonal chancel is supported by buttresses, one of which dates to 1684, and preserves an interesting image of Our Lady of the Rosary from the 16th century.

The Sant Joan de Sanata Church was the centre of life for the local community, livestock farmers who lived in isolated farmhouses. The district, also known as the “cream district”, holds its fair during the last weekend of August.

Since 1998, it has played host to the Sanata Concert Series, an annual series of classical music performances.