Església de Sant Esteve del Coll

The Sant Esteve del Coll Church first appeared in written records in 1023 and is today part of Catalonia’s architectural heritage. It is located at 292 metres above sea level and 3 kilometres southwest of Llinars del Vallès’ urban centre. The El Coll Parish district, situated to the left of the Mogent River, shares a border with Cardedeu, Dosrius and Santa Agnès de Malanyanes (La Roca del Vallès).

The current church, which dates to the 16th century, is comprised of one single nave with three aisles and a polygonal apse. The two side chapels lend the church a Latin cross floor plan, and it also has a bell tower crowned with merlons. The door to the church is square and flanked by three ribs of moulding with a semicircular pediment and laced shell-like adornment. Inside we find Gothic-style pointed arches and picture windows formed by flared rounded arches.

The church retains several examples of religious art, including the gilded image of Our Lady of the Rosary from the 17th century, a silver processional cross and pieces of goldwork from the 16th-19th centuries.

In the 1970s, construction of the Sant Josep housing estate began on church property, eventually engulfing the church.

The rectory, located next to the church, was pulled down in the early 1980s due to its state of disrepair. During that same decade, the church was restored and its cemetery, which occupied the space in front of the temple, was moved to a different location.

The El Coll Parish celebrates its fair on the first Sunday in August.

Just a few metres from the church we find the Sant Esteve del Coll strawberry tree, one of the area’s various hundred-year-old strawberry trees (arbutus unedo). It is one of the few monumental strawberry trees left in Catalonia, although it is rapidly deteriorating due to the passage of time.