Can Marquès i Teatre Auditori

In the northwestern part of the town we find two buildings devoted to cultural activities: Can Marquès, a former home that is now the Municipal School of Music, and the Theatre-Auditorium, designed by Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza.

Throughout its history, Can Marquès has been occupied by various families and has therefore been known by several different names. This land was once part of a large agricultural estate known as Can Gomita, located between the municipal districts of Llinars and Vilamajor. Later, the farmhouse ―known as Can Moix or Can Moix Cremat― was purchased by the Marquès family. Between 1910 and 1915, the structure was torn down and a new secondary residence was built; a house that, over the years, came to be known by the family’s surname. Can Marquès also had a farmer’s cottage, located behind the main building. The house was abandoned and shuttered in the late 1980s. It was later purchased by the Municipal Council, which commissioned Álvaro Siza to refurbish it and turn it into the Municipal School of Music (2018).

The Theatre-Auditorium (TA) in Llinars del Vallès is a work of contemporary architecture designed by the renowned Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza. Located in the area near Can Marquès, it epitomises the architect’s minimalist and rationalist style. With its straight geometric figures and brickwork, the TA is one of Llinars’ most characteristic modern symbols.

The TA opened in 2015 as a venue for a broad array of cultural events. Both the multipurpose rooms and different areas are designed to host all manner of activities: business meetings, conventions and congresses, conferences, presentations and any challenge that may be presented.